Scheda Laboratorio

VIMP - Visual Intelligence and Machine Perception

  • Sede: University of Padova
  • Descrizione: The Visual Intelligence and Machine Perception (VIMP) group at the Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita” of the University of Padova, Italy, conducts research on computer vision, applied machine learning, and multimedia. We work on designing algorithms and developing artificially intelligent systems to help computers perform visual perception and recognition tasks. The main focus of our current research is on designing models that are capable of make the most effective use of contextual knowledge in presence of sparse and noisy data. Some examples are automatic image and video annotation, visual data mining, human behavior prediction in the wild, social media analysis and web mining.
  • Indirizzo: Via Trieste 63
  • Riferimento: Lamberto Ballan
  • Sito web:
  • Keywords:
  • Membri (Soci CVPL): 6