Laboratory details

I laboratori del GIRPR

MHUG - Multimedia & Human Understanding Group

  • Sede: University of Trento
  • Descrizione: MHUG (Multimedia and Human Understanding Group) is a research group of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Trento, Italy. The main research interests of MHUG relate to the investigation and implementation of new techniques in the fields of computer vision and multimedia. In computer vision, we address a large spectrum of themes including human-behavior analysis, action recognition, 2D/3D object detection, large-scale event detection and video analysis, etc. In multimedia, our research focuses on three aspects: multimedia information retrieval, social signals processing and affective computing. The specific research topics include cross media retrieval, multi-modal learning, social media analysis, emotion recognition, multimodal brain-computer interfaces, etc.
  • Indirizzo: via Sommarive 4
  • Riferimento: Sebe Nicu
  • Sito web:
  • Keywords:
  • Membri (Soci CVPL): 5