Pictures from CVPL’s world
Chiara Cancellu is the winner of the GIRPR’s Award in the contest “Usa la scienza con coscienza”
A subset of the GIRPR italian delegation at CVPR 2017 HAWAII USA
Roberto Cipolla
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella
University of Catania, Italy
Trevor Darrell, Vittorio Ferrari, Sanja Fidler, Ross B. Girshick, Hao Li, Stefano Soatto, Vladlen Koltun, Jiri Matas and many others….
ICPR2020 the winner is..
The Italian Association on Pattern Recognition will organize the International Conference on Pattern Recognition in 2020 at Milano, Italy.
Waiting for ICCV 2017 in VENICE!!
The New President of IAPR… Congratulations!
Multi-Paced Dictionary Learning for Cross-Domain Retrieval and Recognition
(D.Xu, J.Song, X. Alameda-Pineda, E.Ricci, N.Sebe)
An Italian representative in Cancun